Become a Trustee or Committee Member
Being a Trustee of a charity means you are there to look after the charity’s work and ensure that it uses its money and resources properly, and that it is managed effectively through the paid staff. Trustees are also Company Directors as Southampton Mencap is registered as a company limited by guarantee.
We currently have 9 Trustees, who act as a Board to carry out this work. The Board of Trustees meets on average 6 times a year and everyone is also expected to attend the Annual General Meeting. Trustees may also be involved in short term specific interest task groups. If necessary, training is made available where needed e.g. the needs of people with a learning disability or carers issues.
Initially the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer will interview applicants and Trustees can be co-opted throughout the year by the Board. A number of checks are carried out prior to appointment, including a declaration that the potential trustee is not disqualified from standing and a DBS [Disclosure and Barring Service Check] is conducted
For an initial discussion on joining the Southampton Mencap Board of Trustees, please contact either the Chief Executive Officer or the Chairman for more details by:
Calling 023 8058 4088 or emailing admin@southamptonmencap.co.uk.